Ensure the Best Education at Astoria International School
Enrolment for the 2024/2025 academic year is open for Nursery, Daycare, Kindergarten, and the First, Second, and Third Cycles. The enrolment of new students can be done throughout the year in accordance with current legislation.
After the family completes the enrolment form, AIS sends an email to schedule a visit with the Psychology and Guidance Department, where the AIS educational project and admission conditions will be presented. Students in the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd cycles must take formative tests defined by the Pedagogical and International Departments.
The student’s enrolment will be completed after an in-person visit to the school, with the necessary enrolment documentation completed and signed. The enrolment fee includes the cost of school insurance.
In case of withdrawal/transfer of the student to another educational institution, the enrolment fee will not be refunded. Enrolment, which grants the status of a student at Astoria International School, implies acceptance of the applicable legal rights and duties outlined in the Regulations.
Enrollment Form
Pre-Registrations Open
The enrollment of new students can be done throughout the year in accordance with current legislation.
After the family fills out the enrollment form, AIS will send an email to schedule a visit with the Psychology and Guidance Department, where the AIS educational project and admission conditions will be presented.
The student’s enrollment will be completed after an in-person visit to the school, upon completion and signing of the necessary documentation for enrollment at AIS.
The enrollment fee includes the cost of school insurance.
In the event of withdrawal/transfer of the student to another educational institution, the enrollment fee will not be refunded.
Enrollment, which grants the status of a student at Astoria International School, implies acceptance of the legal rights and duties applicable under the Internal Regulations.
Documentos Necessários no Ato da Matrícula
- Boletim de Nascimento ou Cartão de Cidadão do aluno (após nascimento);
- Boletim de Vacinas atualizado do aluno (após nascimento);
- Boletim Individual de Saúde do aluno (após nascimento);
- Cartão de Utente do aluno (após nascimento);
- Cópia do B.I. / Cartão de cidadão do pai e da mãe;
- Cópia de declaração de IRS do ano fiscal anterior (1ª Folha, onde constam os nº de contribuinte do Agregado).